The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

Brooklyn CB8 Transportation Committee approves DOT plan for Prospect Heights Neighborhood Slow Zone
Posted: May 28, 2015 - 12:29pm

On Tuesday, May 26, the Transportation Committee of Brooklyn Community Board 8 approved a plan by the New York City Department of Transportation to implement a Neighborhood Slow Zone (NSZ) in Prospect Heights. In October 2013, Prospect Heights was one of 15 neighborhoods selected from among 74 applicants to receive a NSZ. PHNDC applied to the program on behalf of Prospect Heights, gathering support from more than 1,300 individuals through an online petition.

Due to changes in the program guidelines, the DOT plan adds Dean Street between Sixth Avenue and Vanderbilt Avenue, and Vanderbilt Avenue between Plaza Street East and Atlantic Avenue, to the area requested for the NSZ in PHNDC's application. The plan calls for 13 speed bumps to be added to an existing 8 already in place in the neighborhood. In addition, signage will be installed at entrances to the NSZ and pavement markings will remind drivers that the speed limit within the zone is 20mph. A map showing the elements of the plan is available here.

The plan is expected to be approved by the full board of Community Board 8. Originally scheduled for 2016, DOT now plans implementation of the NSZ to begin in late summer 2015.