The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

No Slow Zone this year in Prospect Heights, but other traffic calming measures possible
Posted: July 25, 2012 - 5:47pm

On July 12, 2012 the NYC Department of Transportation announced the selection of 13 Neighborhood Slow Zones for implementation across New York City in 2012. Prospect Heights was not selected. On February 3, 2012 PHNDC had submitted a Slow  Zone Application to DOT with more than 1200 petition signatures and 35 letters of support from locally elected officials, block associations, schools, daycare centers, parent organizations, houses of worship, and service and residential facilities. Although PHNDC is very disappointed that Prospect Heights was not selected, we expect to be ready to apply again in 2013.

In the meantime, NYCDOT has offered to work with PHNDC and the Prospect Heights community to expedite implementation of other safety and traffic calming measures. These measures are most likely to be speed humps, such as those installed this summer on Prospect Place between Underhill and Carlton Avenues, and additional painting of street pavement. The improvements are not likely to be physical bulb-outs of sidewalks at corners or raised speed tables at intersections, both of which involve the City’s multi-year capital project process.

PHNDC plans to meet with NYCDOT’s Brooklyn office in August to identify safety and traffic calming measures that can be implemented immediately. We have asked each block association and community group to identify safety/traffic “hot spots” and suggest specific traffic calming measures, which PHNDC will share with NYCDOT in order to develop an effective neighborhood-wide strategy for Prospect Heights.

Please note that, if your block wants speed humps installed, you should be prepared to develop a petition signed by many residents of your block. Be advised that short blocks and bus routes (Vanderbilt Avenue, Bergen Street, Dean Street) are not strong candidates for speed humps.

We encourage you to provide your suggestions and comments to PHNDC using our web site contact form. Please choose “Neighborhood Slow  Zone” in your comment’s Category dropdown menu.