Friends of the Berms clean up
Start Date:
September 16, 2017 - 10:00am - 12:00pm
Plaza Street and Vanderbilt Avenue
United States
The Friends of the Berms will meet Saturday Sept. 16, 10:00-noon. They'll be removing invasive trees and vines from the berms, as well as picking up trash.
The areas where volunteers work are often woodsy and the ground may not be level. Please wear close-toed shoes, long pants and clothes that can get dirty. To protect against bugs and thorns, we recommend long sleeves. Friends of the Berms provides gloves, tools and water.
Volunteers meet at the corner of Plaza Street and Vanderbilt Ave, then move to the day's work area. Please arrive by 10:00 sharp! Adults and supervised children are welcome; experience is not required.
Questions? Call 718-623-6768.
Open to:
Adults and supervised children