The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

Underhill Playground Clean-up Event
Start Date: 
October 4, 2020 - 9:30am
Sponsored By: 
Friends of Underhill Playground

The Friends of Underhill Playground will be removing rubbish from and weeding the entranceway and the northwest area of the playground, followed by planting. Additional volunteers are needed and very welcome! Please meet at the gate. Wear a mask, bring work gloves and if you have garden tools (such as trowel, spade or fork) please bring those.

The city’s resources are being seriously cut back and the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation staff are doing the best they can with the resources available, but the playground needs help to continue to provide a safe, pleasant, fun play space for kids and their families.

With its “roots” in the Park Place/Underhill Avenue Block Association’s “Growing Our Community” initiative, the Friends of Underhill Playground is a group of volunteers from all over Prospect Heights who value the much-used, much-needed, beautiful Underhill Playground. Please contact Den Gordon,, for additional information or with any questions, or visit


Open to: 
General public