The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

"A Vision for North Flatbush Avenue"
Start Date: 
June 10, 2008 - 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Topic : 
Economic development
Sponsored By: 
North Flatbush Avenue BID; Councilmember Letitia James
First Church of Christ, Scientist
156 Sterling Place
United States

As the world changes around us, the North Flatbush BID is seeking broad public input from residents, property owners, merchants and civic leaders to imagine an integrated street scape that creates "community." Project for Public Spaces, an internationally-recognized non-profit organization committed to revitalizing public spaces, will facilitate a community forum as we envision physical improvements and explore "placemaking" opportunities for Flatbush Avenue.

RSVP by Monday, June 2 to (718) 783-1685.


Open to: 
Neighborhood residents, business and property owners (RSVP required)